
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Common infections - Colds and Coughs

Colds and coughs are the most common infections our children might ever have. They are very easy to catch, and it is ever present the whole year roud...

So how to help our children when they have cold and cough?

  • Steam- steam is very effective in clearing off phlegm, it is a very effective decongestant, and it is very easy to do. Boil a water, put it in a bowl, or a cup and have your child inhale the steam. Be careful in handling the cup to avoid spilling on to your child.
  • Fruit Juice- this is a natural way to combat infections. Freshly squeezed fruit juices will boost the immune system of your child, and thus enabling him to fight the cold and cough virus. (and this is not just for colds and coughs, but a very effective way to prevent diseases)
  • lots of fluids- have your child drink plenty of water...
  • chicken soup- it seems a myth, but its true! chicken soup with a lot of ginger and a squeeze of lemon juice helps colds and cough go away!
  • have your child rest

How to help protect your child from these common infections?

  • encourage them to wash hands
  • encourage them use alcohol often
  • avoid going to congested places
  • always cover their mouth and nosess when someone sneezes or when they're close to someone who has a cough and cold.
  • encourage them to drink vitamins everyday
  • encourage them to eat fruits and vegetables

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Neo said...

nasal saline nose drops followed by bulb suction can also be very effective for nasal congestion in infants and toddlers.

los angeles rhinoplasty said...

Cold is such a very common element of growing a child and it comes back on and on.I have got good results from steam inhalation yes.

buy zenegra said...

Thanks for sharing this home remedies for treating common cold and coughs .Really very much helpful.

stevesmith said...

Nice information posted here for treating common cold and coughs.

Jen McCleve said...

I make sure that my children wash their hands and I've even installed one of those hand washing timers so they know when they've done a good job washing.
